Lettuce, alias: leaf lettuce, goose, and lettuce, belonging to the genus Heliconia. It is an annual or biennial herb crop, and it is also a popular vegetable in Europe and the United States.
Lettuce is native to the Mediterranean coast of Europe and is domesticated by wild species. The ancient Greeks and Romans first ate. The introduction of lettuce into China has a long history. The southeast coast, especially in the suburbs of large cities and in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions, is cultivated more, especially in Taiwan. In recent years, the cultivation area has expanded rapidly, and lettuce has also entered the dining table of ordinary people from hotels and restaurants.
Lettuce is the lettuce with leaves. It is named for its suitable raw food. The texture is crisp and tender, and the taste is fresh and fragrant. Among the modern people whose meat consumption has increased significantly, lettuce has brought a refreshing and mellow feeling to people, which is very popular among people. There are generally two types on the market today: spherical lettuce and leafy wrinkled butter lettuce (flower lettuce). Healthy diet, lettuce, sweet and cool, has the effect of clearing away heat and refreshing the spirit, clearing the liver and gallbladder, and nourishing the stomach.
Lettuce is rich in water, and the moisture content per 100 grams of edible portion is as high as 94% to 96%, so the raw food is crisp and refreshing, especially fresh and tender. Each 100 grams of edible portion also contains 11.4 grams of protein, 1.832 grams of carbohydrates, 1015 milligrams of vitamin C and some minerals.